Thursday 23 December 2010

Animation Questionnaire - To Gather Information About Our Audience and What They Want

Animation Questionnaire
Please take a few minutes of your time to complete our film animation questionnaire which will aid us in making our own animation film for our A Level media coursework. (please circle appropriate answers and add detail were necessary.
Gender:   Male   /   Female          Age:
1. Do you watch animation?     Yes     /     No     /     Sometimes
2. What is your favourite animation?     Wallace & Grommit     /     Tom & Jerry     /     Family Guy     /     Anime     /     Other
3. Do you like your animation to be…..     Funny     /     Scary     /     Romantic     /     Serious     /     Other
4. Who are your favourite animated characters and why?

5. Is scenery important in an animation? (Think jungle in ‘Up’ versus no scenery with Morph and Chas?)
6. Do you have a favourite animation studio?     Pixar     /     Dreamworks     /     Aardman     /     Disney
7. Do you like animated characters to speak or do you like a voiceover to tell the story?
8. Do you think animation needs a soundtrack?     Yes     /     No     /     Why…..
9. How do you want your animation to end?     Happy     /     Sad     /     Funny     /     Inconclusive     /     Cliffhanger     /     Twist     /     Other…..
Thank you for taking the time to complete our questionnaire.

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