Thursday 13 January 2011

Planning Process.

From are starting point we did not have any Initial ideas, as we firstly considerd how hard it would be to plan and create a completely new story.
we realised after a crash course in animation  at the bbc studies from experimenting what would work and which would not. i decided to experiment with clay and Tom with cut out pictures. this is when we discussed the possibilty of use plastinsine as alot of research that we had done on eailer animation (british) was 'Wallace and Gromit' and 'Chicken run'. We decided look further in to this. however as we still did not have a story or story line we thought more research would be more helpful. it was not untill we came across one production piece called 'baby dogs' the initial idea of dogs talking and behaving like normal humans really sold to us and the fact that they were playing pool really spoke to us. And from that point we were no longer Snookerd for an idea.  (Alex)

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